JUDICIARY Latest Features

ECCMIS Kiosks Up and Running
ECCMIS Kiosk at Commercial Court

As Judiciary prepares to go live with Electronic Court Case Management Information System (ECCMIS) on March 1, 2022, kiosks have been set up in the participating courts to help the users to learn how to use the system.

Members of the ECCMIS technical committee have been stationed at different ECCMIS court kiosks to help refresh and train the clerks, transcribers, process servers, advocates, among others on how the system works and functions.

At Commercial Court, Mr. Brian Oryema, a member of the ECCMIS Technical team is running a week-long training and will be of assistance when the system goes live next week.

Similar services can be got from the Supreme Court, Court of Appeal, Anti-Corruption, Civil, Commercial and Land divisions as well as Mengo Chief Magistrates Court.

Posted 23rd, February 2022
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